Papaya for kidney diseases: Is it good or bad?

Papaya for kidney diseases: Is it good or bad?

The member of the Caricaceae family, native to Mexico and Central America, papaya is a famous fruit. It is also famous as pawpaw and carica papaya. This fruit’s wholesomeness is complemented with numerous health benefits, including advantages for kidney diseases. Papaya has numerous medicinal uses, from its leaves to its seeds.

It is a fruit whose extracts are used to create chemicals and medications. According to a recent study, oxidative stress is a key factor in the emergence of drug-induced nephrotoxicity. When kidneys are sick, papaya is renowned as a traditional healer’s remedy that can save them.

Natural remedy for kidney detoxification:

As the natural filters of human anatomy, your kidneys need periodic detoxification. When your kidneys are damaged or not operating to the best of their ability, it may manifest as a challenging condition. In such a situation, other renal organs may also be impacted, leading to other ailments. These conditions include urinary tract infections, decreased urination, kidney and bladder infections, bladder and kidney stone disorders, and even renal cancer.

Natural treatment for halting kidney and heart disease progression:

The kidneys and heart aids in limiting the movement of free radicals in the circulation by lowering the levels of sodium and potassium and the presence of lycopene. Other health advantages

  • Lowers the danger of uric acid
  • Lowers the chance of developing prostate cancer
  • Lowers the chance of breast cancer
  • Lowers the chance of colon cancer
  • Decreases endometrial cancer risk

Maintaining high blood pressure naturally:

  • Aids in reducing blood vessel tension
  • Control healthy blood pressure
  • Helps to combat the issue of hypertension

Digestive aid

It would be surprising if the fruit didn’t help with digestion, given its amount of water and fibre. In addition, papaya has a variety of enzymes that support digestion and safeguard the tissues lining the digestive tract. Papaya can promote healthy digestion and keep your body functioning properly when eaten an hour before or after a meal.

Apart from the major support for kidney heart and digestive system, it also helps in:

Optimal Eye Health

Antioxidants and Vitamin A found in papayas aid in improving eye health. Antioxidants slow down the degradation of the retina while vitamin A preserves the corneas. The fruit offers eye protection and even enhances eyesight. Eating papaya will genuinely preserve your vision in great condition and stop your sight from degrading.


It is a  common saying that the largest organ in your body, the skin, mirrors your inside organs. Include papaya in your regular diet for beautiful and healthy skin. It contains a lot of vitamin A, C, and E, offering a sizable dose of antioxidants. As a result, wrinkles, sagging, and dull skin are avoided by making the skin tighter and more vibrant.

Boosts Immunity

Papayas are packed with nutrients, and all collectively boost immunity. The Vitamin C present is the main contributor to help boost the immune system, therefore, helps in making your body flourish while fighting all types of infections and illnesses.

Great for diabetics

This fruit is known for its sweetness. It is also considered good for people who are suffering from diabetes or want to reduce the risks of getting diseased. It is naturally sweet and has low sugar content as well as low glucose levels. High-quality nutrients and various health benefits maintain blood sugar levels and cholesterol.

Maintaining high blood pressure naturally:

  • Aids in reducing blood vessel tension
  • Control healthy blood pressure
  • Helps to combat the issue of hypertension


Papaya is an essential component of our fruit basket. Rich in natural health, this fruit’s sweet and reviving flavour is difficult to resist, and the cool drops of its sweet nectar soothe all the tiredness of a hot summer day.

Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system in India. People have been using it for ages for various diseases. With ayurveda, in most kidney damage cases, the damage can be either partly or fully reversed. Ayurveda claims overall health; therefore, it also suggests diet and lifestyle changes apart from medicines. Ayurveda has helped by treating damaged kidney tissues and reducing the frequency of dialysis. Various herbs are easily available in nature and are used for treating kidney diseases. It also suggests ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, ayurvedic medications, along with the recommended lifestyle and diet changes, have the potential to reverse kidney disease from most of the stages. 

The above content is for information purposes only. It is always advised to consult a doctor for any medicine and a nutritionist for any dietary recommendation.

Polycystic kidney disease ayurvedic treatment

Polycystic kidney disease treatment is a very important part of Ayurvedic treatment. Our experts have done a lot of research and studies on Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). They have developed a new type of herbal formula which treats all types of symptoms of this disease.

Polycystic kidney disease is often associated with cysts within the kidneys, a condition that leads to high blood pressure and diabetes. Patients may lose weight as a result of their illnesses. Although there are many options for treating polycystic kidney disease, ayurvedic medicine has been used for hundreds of years to treat digestive disorders and diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a hepatic disorder which occurs in the kidneys. Developed by Ayurvedic physician and expert, Dr. Puneet, this unique formula has been pioneered to fight the progression of PCKD. Due to various reasons, patients are prone to develop complications like high blood pressure and hypertension, diabetes mellitus and chronic Renal failure.

How Does Kidney Disease Cause Hypertension?

Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. This can lead to serious health complications and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease, and sometimes death. Blood pressure is the force that a person’s blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels, which affects how the heart works. Many people suffer from this chronic disease without knowing that they have high blood pressure. 

High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases like stroke, heart attack, and many others. Keeping blood pressure under control is very important for the body to reduce the risk of other health problems. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease is directly related to keep blood pressure under control. 

Everyone should understand that your kidneys and circulatory system depend on each other for the proper functioning of your body. Your kidneys filter waste products and excess fluid from the blood, and use many blood vessels to perform this function. When blood vessels are damaged, your blood lacks the oxygen and nutrients to function properly. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can damage the arteries, and these damaged arteries cannot supply enough blood to the kidney tissue. For this reason, high blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure. Also, because of your damaged kidneys, your kidneys cannot regulate your blood pressure. This means that kidney disease causes high blood pressure.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

The cause of high blood pressure is unknown in most cases. There is no specific cause of high blood pressure, but some causes of high blood pressure are as follows-

  • Blood plasma volume.
  • Environmental factors like stress and lack of exercise.
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common cause of high blood pressure – excess fluid causes high blood pressure, which builds up in the body after kidney damage.
  • Diabetes or high blood sugar.
  • A rare cancer of the adrenal glands.
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Sleep apnea.
  • Obesity.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension has no symptoms in the body; Therefore, high blood pressure is also known as the silent killer. It is very important that you check your blood pressure regularly and see your doctor as soon as possible if you have high blood pressure in your body. If undetected, high blood pressure can damage the heart, blood vessels, and other organs, especially the kidneys, and kidney disease causes high blood pressure by retaining excess fluid in the body. High blood pressure in severe cases causes sweating, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, etc. Severe headaches and nosebleeds are also some of the common symptoms of high blood pressure or high blood pressure.

Kidney Disease Causes High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys and also affect their ability to work properly. When you have high blood pressure, your blood vessels dilate to allow blood to flow more easily. The stretching of these scars weakens blood vessels throughout the body, especially in the kidneys. When the blood vessels in your kidneys are damaged, they are unable to remove waste and excess fluid from the body, causing fluid to build up in your body. This extra fluid can increase blood pressure even further. 

Kidney disease also has no significant symptoms in its early stages until treatment is started in its early stages. Once your kidney function begins to decline, some of the most common symptoms in your body may occur. Symptoms can include-

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea and breathing problems.
  • Vomit.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Sleep Problems.
  • Problems with urination.
  • Itchy and dry skin.
  • Severe headache.
  • Weight Loss.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Chest Pain.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Hypertension and Kidney Disease

When excess fluid builds up in your body, it can cause high blood pressure in your body. Ayurveda has been practiced in India for the natural treatment of chronic ailments since ancient times. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease uses natural herbs which are very effective in treating chronic kidney disease. Ayurvedic treatment for chronic kidney disease includes treatment for high blood pressure first. Allopathic medications for kidney disease have many side effects, such as increased urination, and may also increase the likelihood of elevated cholesterol levels in people with kidney disease.

If you want to cure kidney disease from its root causes like high blood pressure and high sugar levels, then Ayurvedic medicines are very effective in treating this disease. Changing your diet can also help you fight kidney disease, avoiding intake of iodine, caffeine, and regular morning exercise can help control your high blood pressure.


Karma Ayurveda is a leading healthcare hospital that offers ayurvedic treatment for CKD patients and the best of health care with the goodness of nature. More than 35,000 patients have been cured by this healthcare hospital and there are still some kidney disease patients being treated by this Ayurvedic kidney health center. On the proper advice given by Dr. Puneet on a healthy diet, regular exercise, ayurvedic medicines like Lekhniya Guggul Ayurvedic Tablets, and other ayurvedic treatments for kidney damage provided to ensure better health and good functioning of kidneys.

Bitter melon for Chronic kidney disease treatment in ayurveda

When it comes to treatment of Chronic kidney disease, bitter melon is an ideal choice. It not only helps in absorbing toxins from the body, but also strengthens your kidneys and reduces protein loss.

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is used in the treatment of chronic kidney disease. It contains quercetin and its active substance bioflavonoids, which have antioxidant properties. There is an increase in the level of nitric oxide production in erythrocytes and the number of blood platelets during the use of bitter melon as a supplement.

Bitter melon is a root vegetable which has been used in ayurveda for years. It has many health benefits, such as it can treat heart diseases, kidney stones, diabetes and gout.

Bitter melon is also known as bitter gourd and is used in many ayurvedic remedies to cure various ailments. Bitter melon works well with kidney issues, preventing the urine from becoming too acidic or too alkaline. Bitter melon increases blood flow to the kidneys and enhances the production of urine, which can help prevent kidney issues.

Also read : Chronic kidney disease treatment in ayurveda

Green Capsicum for Protein loss in urine treatment in ayurveda

Green Capsicum is used for the treatment of Protein loss in urine and its distinctive properties are boosting immunity and reducing thirst, It also reduces the chance of formation of kidney stones. Green Capsicum restores normal property to urine which is helpful for treating Protein loss in urine symptom.

Green Capsicum helps in the removal of protein loss in urine. Green Capsicum is also used in the treatment of all types of urinary blockage like: kidney stone pain; kidney stones, painful urination and bladder infections.

Green capsicum is a popular ayurvedic medicine that aids in the treatment of several urinary disorders. In this article, we will discuss how green capsicum is used to treat various types of ailments and their symptoms, including constipation, acidity, diabetes and hypertension.

Also Read ; Protein loss in urine treatment in ayurveda

Ayurveda treatment is a great way to improve your health and well-being

Ayurveda is a natural treatment system, which has been practiced for centuries and is still considered the oldest medicine system in the world. In Ayurveda, the treatment and help to improve the wellness of the body & mind by using various herbs and spices that come from Ayurvedic plants, vegetables and minerals.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science that was developed to treat people’s chronic health conditions and also enhance life spans by treating diseases and disorders. It also aspires to have immense benefits in treating physical as well as mental illnesses, including depression, stress, insomnia and more. The main teachings of Ayurveda are non-violence, non-possession and the need for balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body.

Also Read : Pkd treatment in ayurveda

Ayurveda treatment and Ayurveda help to improve

Ayurveda treatment and Ayurveda help to improve your health and wellness with natural solutions that are safe, effective and disease free.

Ayurveda treatment and Ayurveda help to improve the mood and make you feel better in just a few days.

Ayurveda treatment is a natural strategy for dealing with the many health problems we have today. All of us have some form of mental, physical and emotional suffering. Ayurveda helps in bringing you back to your natural balance so that you can live a more joyful life.

Also Read : Chronic kidney disease treatment in ayurveda

When you have any disease

When you have any disease, it is essential to consult Ayurveda doctors who can analyze the patient’s case, give you an appropriate treatment and recommend some alternative medicines.

Ajantic treatment is based on the principle of strengthening the constitution with which disease is resisted. Thus, taking care of the internal elements can cure many kinds of diseases. Ayurveda is also known as “the science of life” as it aims to maintain and preserve life.

Ayurveda is a complete system of healing. It’s based on its long tradition that has been passed down for centuries. Ayurveda treatment details:

Also read : Chronic kidney disease treatment in ayurveda

This course is a blend of ayurveda and yoga with fun.

This course is a blend of ayurveda and yoga with fun. It helps you to detoxify your kidneys, improve kidney function and reduce stress with the help of simple yet effective steps. Learn how yoga can help in treating common health issues such as high blood pressure, constipation, arthritis and many others! With this program you will also learn about natural ways to treat anemia, diabetes and other ailments.

The Ayurvedic Treatment is a holistic method of treatment using a combination of Ayurvedic herbs and yoga techniques. The aim is to restore kidney function and balance, so that our bodies can perform optimally at all times. This treatment is suitable for adults only.

Also Read : Acute kidney disease treatment in ayurveda

Kidney problems can be treated very effectively with Ayurvedic treatment

Urgent and problematic kidney problems can be treated very effectively with Ayurvedic treatment. A healthy diet and yoga are very important for your overall health.

Ayurvedic kidney therapy is a natural and holistic treatment method that incorporates Ayurveda, yoga, diet and lifestyle recommendations to treat your kidneys. It is a complete medical system, which includes the body and mind.

Healthy diet and yoga is proven to reduce the risk of kidney cancer by 80.5%, lower the risk of developing chronic inflammation of the kidneys, lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation and also help treat heart disease.

Also Read : Ayurvedic kidney treatment

Ayurvedic kidney treatment is made possible by the herbs

Ayurvedic kidney treatment is made possible by the herbs and spices in the food, as well as the herbal remedies. Ayurveda was developed over thousands of years and it’s still considered to be deep rooted medical knowledge.

Integrating Yoga and Ayurveda will help you develop health, strength and well-being. Use this program as a guide to look after your constitution, improve your digestion and immunity plus reduce stress, pain and fatigue.

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