Home remedies to balance and lower High Creatinine Levels

Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem

One of the important ways for supporting good health and keeping creatinine levels under check is by ensuring that the kidneys are functioning well. If a person has high creatinine levels in the body, then it’s relevant to schedule a health checkup soon since it may be a possible cause of kidney treatment.

Tests and creatinine screenings are also recommended for people who have the following health conditions, which can damage proper kidney function:

  • Diabetes
  • Frail Immunity
  • High blood pressure
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • History of kidney disease
  • Bacterial infections

Creatinine levels can elevate because of many underlying factors; that’s why every individual must work to ensure that the body properly gets clean blood flow so that it can function well. In some of the cases, proper therapies and medications are advised to improve vital functioning and lower creatinine.

Several home remedies and dietary changes can also be given to naturally treat underlying causes and lower creatinine levels.

Below mentioned are the ways:

Reduce your protein intake

Protein is an essential nutrient needed by the body for various needs. Although, too much protein can increase creatinine levels in the body and go undigested.

Studies show that certain foods that are rich in protein are more susceptible to increase creatinine as compared to others. Switching to vegetables and plant-based proteins can be of great help.

Talk with healthcare experts regarding how much fluid one should drink.

Again there is a reason to drink adequate water. Drinking less than required water in a day and dehydration can raise the creatinine levels in the body, making elimination difficult. Retention and fluid intake can too impose problems for people with kidney disease. Talking to a certified nutritionist, incorporating hydrating drinks and foods into the diet can make a difference.

Try having at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Limit your alcohol intake

Alcohol is not just harmful to the liver but to kidney health also. Too much alcohol consumption damages the kidneys, increase blood pressure levels, and create renal problems. All such factors can disturb the creatinine levels in the body. Therefore, cutting down on alcohol consumption is the best measure to lead a healthy life.

Lower your salt intake

Too much intake of salt can be a major cause of high blood pressure, which can lead to kidney problems. Processed foods are also loaded with sodium, additives, and harmful agents, which leads to kidney issues.

Therefore, try and cut down on the salt intake and make use of herbs, and natural spices, to flavor the food. Salt intake shouldn’t exceed more than two tablespoons per day.

Avoid smoking

Tobacco consumption is linked to complications and kidney diseases, including high creatinine levels.

Cigarette smoking can reduce the probability of other health complications that can affect mortality. Hence, quitting smoking can help manage health better.

Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine 

According to Ayurvedic principles, there are basically three doshas in the human body – Kapha, pitta, and Vata. The decrease of these doshas causes all the disorders and diseases. A kidney disorder is generally a disturbance in pitta doshas.

High Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda has some specific herbs that directly or indirectly impact kidney functions to treat creatinine issues and help in recovering again.

Diet and physical activities play an essential role in managing blood creatinine levels in the body. Maintaining protein consumption within the suggested range for age and activity level is advisable because protein contains creatine, which later breaks down into creatinine.

Closing Thoughts

Several problems, such as kidney damage, can lead to high creatinine levels.

A few ways to avoid high creatinine levels include:

Limiting red meat intake 

Avoiding a few types of intense exercise

Taking medical advice before consuming creatine supplements

If high creatinine levels are a result of a kidney problem, the doctor will recommend a proper treatment plan.

Learn More
1. Best kidney failure ayurvedic treatment
2. Best Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine
Ayurvedic kidney treatment

Kidney And Ayurveda

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