10 signs to show malfunction in the Kidney, Don’t ignore such signs.

Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment

To keep the kidneys healthy, we must improve our lifestyle and do regular workouts with the right food. When there is any kind of problem in the kidney, our body gives ten types of signals. However, the only way in which one can get to know that they have kidney disease is to get tested; there are certain signs and indications that a person should be aware of that point to kidney disease.

Kidney treatment in Ayurveda

Kidney disease cannot be reversed only with routine medications in allopathy. People suffering from end-stage kidney disease have to undergo dialysis or kidney transplantation in order to live their life. However, it’s possible with Ayurveda. The Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda is completely based on the unique combination of several powerful herbs and ingredients that are scientifically proven and are equally effective in treating any kind of kidney problem, right from mild ones to severe ones. 

Risk of Kidney disease

A person can be at higher risk for kidney disease if they are facing the symptoms mentioned below. If a person is seeing any of these symptoms it’s essential to get tested for kidney disease. At the time of the test, one should definitely mention symptoms they are experiencing to their healthcare experts.

Also Read : Acute kidney disease treatment in ayurveda

Ten signs indicating kidney problem

The kidney is a very essential organ of the body, without which it’s difficult to imagine a body. Our kidneys function to filter the waste product of the body. It plays an essential role in circulating purified blood across the body. When our kidneys don’t function properly, then several kinds of problems start arising in the body. Sometimes improper functioning of the kidneys indicates that there is some kind of problem in the organ. Kidney infections or problems like kidney failure can prove to be life-threatening. In such a situation, it’s necessary to take proper treatment for that particular problem.

Here are ten such signs mentioned that indicate a kidney problem. If a person is facing such issues, then it’s necessary to take the right treatment for that.

  • Feeling of tiredness and having less energy:  Many times, a lot of toxins accumulate in the kidneys, in which case the kidney does not work properly. A decrease in kidney functions can lead to the accumulation of impurities and toxins in the blood, which can lead to problems like weakness and inability to concentrate are seen. Also, it can make it hard for people to concentrate. Another complication of kidney disease is anemia, and this can lead to fatigue and weakness.
  • Having dry and itchy skin: Itchy and dry skin can be a sign of advanced kidney disease. Healthy kidneys perform functions such as removing wastes and extra fluid from the body, helping create red blood cells, keeping bones strong, etc. Itchy skin signs of bone and mineral disease often accompany extreme kidney disease when the kidneys do not keep the right balance of nutrients and minerals in the blood. Itchy, dry, and foul-smelling skin can be the reason for improper kidney functioning. 
  • Trouble Sleeping: When toxins stay in the body and don’t get out via urine because of improper kidney functioning, then it can cause sleeping problems and, in some cases, also causes nightmares. Obesity and sleep problems are more common in people with chronic kidney disease compared to the general population.

Also Read : Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine

  1. Need to urinate more often: People have to be very careful to watch their urine output. For example, sometimes the urinary output can decrease, and sometimes one can feel the need to urinate more frequently, particularly at night. As it can be a warning sign indicating the damage to kidney filtering units or that they are in the process of being damaged. Often it is a sign of some urinary tract infection or elongated prostate in men. Therefore an increase or decrease in the urine output must be reported to the nephrologist straight away.
  • Foamy Urine: Too much lather in the urine depicts the presence of protein in the urine. However, under normal conditions, this can be negligible. When the kidney’s filtering system is damaged, protein and blood cells start to come out into the urine. In addition to symptoms of kidney disease, blood in the urine depicts tumors, kidney stones, and other kidney infections. Also, pus related to fever and urine can be serious and can indicate a serious urinary tract infection. Therefore, changes in the urine color, nature of urine or its consistency need to be informed as early as possible to a kidney expert.
  • Puffiness around the eyes: The presence of protein in the urine is an early sign of the kidneys’ filters being damaged, which allows the protein to seep out into the urine instead of remaining in the body. Therefore, the puffiness around the eyes could be due to the leaking of excess amount of protein in the urine instead of remaining in the body.
  • Swollen ankles and feet: As the functioning of the kidneys decrease, there is sodium retention which generally causes swelling in the ankles and in the area below the knee, which can also be a sign of liver problems, heart disease, and chronic leg vein problems.
  • Cramps in the muscle: Weakened kidney functions result in electrolyte imbalances. For instance, low levels of calcium and badly controlled phosphorus can contribute to cramps in the muscle.
  1. Poor appetite: Poor appetite is the most common symptom; however, a buildup of toxins resulting from impaired kidney function can be one of the main causes of this.

Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment 

The Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment is based on the fundamentals and principles of Vedic science that mainly talks about treating health complications with proper ayurvedic medications. Ayurvedic treatment is all about getting freedom from a poor lifestyle and dietary habits that put the kidneys at risk of losing their functioning.

Ayurveda is one of the best natural healing systems that balances all three doshas of the human body or the life forces: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha.

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