Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies For Kidney Failure: Struggling With High Creatinine Levels? You Need To Read This!

Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment

Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment is based on combining several potent herbs that can effectively treat any sort of kidney related complications.

Kidney failure is a condition where one or both of the kidneys do not function on their own. This condition is also called renal failure. The safest treatments for kidney failure include ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure.

Know what kidney failure is?

Kidney failure, also known as renal failure, means that one or both kidneys are not functioning well by themselves. Sometimes, kidney failure is not permanent and comes quickly. Whereas generally, it is a chronic condition that gets worse slowly and steadily over a long time.

Kidney failure is a serious condition. However, ayurvedic treatment for creatinine helps people with limited kidney function to continue to live fulfilling lives.

Home remedies to treat kidney failure

The cause for high creatinine levels doesn’t matter. As if once the creatinine level exceeds the limits, it becomes difficult to bring them back in the range. However, with ayurvedic treatment for creatinine, there are certain natural herbs and home remedies for kidney disease that show excellent results in lowering creatinine levels without even affecting sugar levels or causing an increase in potassium levels. The herbs used together helps to improve overall health and improve kidney function.

Regular Exercise

Various studies show that obese and overweight people are more likely to have problems related to kidneys. Obesity is one of the major known causes of several chronic health-related problems, such as high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and diabetes; this can also negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys. Regularly working out for one hour to lessen keeps the threat of getting exposed to various diseases away, which can keep a person’s life at stake. 

Restrict Caffeine and Alcohol

The kidneys are responsible for purifying the blood from harmful toxins and substances; coffee and alcohol both needs extra work from the kidneys to flush these fluids out of the body. This can damage the kidney’s functioning and lead to a permanent loss of the kidneys’ functioning.

Limit salt intake 

Consuming salt of more than 2.300 mg per day can increase the blood pressure level, which can weaken, harden and narrow the blood vessels that supply blood to the kidneys. 

Drink enough water

The human body is 60 percent of water, which means that every tissue, cell, and organ in a human body needs water for performing their bodily’s processes. The kidneys are largely dependent on water in order to purify the blood from pollutants, toxins, and other excessive substances. One should drink at least 6 to 7 glasses of water per day. 

Yoga poses for kidney failure.

Yoga massages and stimulates various organs that help to bring the body to an optimal level. Along with yoga poses, taking Creatinine treatment in ayurveda and an ayurvedic diet can help a person keep check over blood pressure level and diabetes. Practice the below mentioned yoga poses on the regular basis to ensure the health of the kidneys:

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
  • Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx pose)
  • Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal twist)
  • Naukasana (Boat pose)
  • Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose)

Diet Modifications

The goal is to increase digestion while keeping the ayurvedic medicines soft on the body.

What to eat?

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Water processed with berberis/cumin seeds
  • Rice after removing starch
  • Buttermilk is the only allowed milk product

What to avoid?

  • Seeds and nuts
  • Dals
  • Milk and milk products like dahi (yoghourt)
  • Non veg items such as eggs, meat, and fish.
  • Less of wheat/ brown bread 
  • Hot spices’ pepper, chillies etc
  • Refined foods, junk foods, and white sugar, etc.

Lifestyle Modifications

  • Avoid daytime sleep 
  • Do not hold the urge to pass stool or urine
  • Hot water fomentation above the kidney area is recommended.
  • Vajrasana after food
  • Avoid heavy meals after dark

Ayurvedic herbs for kidney failure

Effective herbs are used in Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure that helps rejuvenate the kidneys by reinstating the filtration capacity and improving the overall functioning of the kidneys. The treatment can remove the risk of kidney failure and the need for dependency upon dialysis. 


Gokshur herb is known for treating urinary problems that are caused because of kidney failure which is caused by urinary discharges and renal infections.


This ayurvedic herbs maintains the level of fluids in the cells to aid in the healthy flow of urine. Regular use of this ayurvedic medicine treats kidney failure and also revitalises the whole body. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Punarnava reduces swelling in the feet and joints effectively.


Varun is a potent ayurvedic herb that treats kidney failure from its root. Also it helps against kidney stones by deactivating the glycolate oxidase enzyme and lowering the body’s construction of oxalate.


Palaash is the best Ayurvedic herb for kidney functioning and removes kidney failure symptoms.


It is one of the most effective herbal remedies for managing all kinds of kidney problems. Kaasni works best for kidney failure complexities caused because of the respiratory system.

Important tips to keep in mind

Below mentioned are some essential tips that one has to keep in mind.

  • A person should make sure that they stay away from outside food and consume home cooked food as much as possible.
  • One should stay away from food with high potassium and include more food rich in iron in the diet.
  • A person should include more and more green vegetables and fruits in the platter.
  • Drink enough water and get 6-8 hours of sleep every day.
  • Opt for Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease as it is high in nutrients.

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease majorly focuses on strengthening of kidneys, reviving its function and improve the filtration capacity. Ayurvedic treatment completely eliminates  the need for dialysis.

A lot number of herbs are present which is the known to be the alternative treatment for kidney failure such as Boerrhavia diffusa (Punarnava), Tribulus Terrestris (Gokshur),  Cichorium intybus (Kaasni), Crataeva nurvala (Varun), Phyllanthus niruri (Bhumi Amla) etc.

Also Read : Ayurvedic Medicine For Creatinine: We try to help people with their medical issues and to inform them

Ayurvedic Medicine For Creatinine: We try to help people with their medical issues and to inform them.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Creatinine

High levels of creatinine leads to kidney disease, further leading to kidney failure; managing creatinine level is essential. And the only way to overcome this is creatinine treatment in Ayurveda.

Creatinine is normally a waste product that’s generated when the muscles are used. Eating protein in excess can produce small amounts of creatinine.

The bloodstream works to transport creatinine to the kidneys, where the body filters it out via urine. However, if the kidneys aren’t working properly, the creatinine level in the blood can build up. The healthcare provider checks the urine and blood for creatinine, as well as orders other tests to evaluate the health of the kidneys. 

Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine

Nowadays, people prefer Ayurvedic kidney treatment not only for kidneys but for every other Disease. Ayurveda has always been an ancient remedy to treat all sorts of chronic and Acute Diseases. It’s a technique rather than a treatment in order to revive the functioning of kidneys naturally. The aim of creatinine ayurvedic Treatment in Ayurveda is to lower the creatinine levels and treat the underlying causes.

Ayurveda includes natural remedies, a healthy diet plan, and herbal medicines for treating any disease. Ayurveda is a full-fledged developed medical system. The best creatinine treatment in Ayurveda brings all such factors in line and treats the disease from the roots. This treatment includes herbal medicines (pastes, oils, and herbs made tablets), meditation, yoga, and particular dietary & lifestyle changes.

Home remedies for High Creatinine

Being an ancient life science, Ayurveda offers a wide variety of measures to treat excessively high levels of Creatinine in the body. Below mentioned are the ways by which creatinine levels can be lowered with Ayurveda- 


This herb is rich in numerous vitamins and minerals, and it can also help in improving the output of the kidneys. It even seeks to promote better kidney filtration ability. This herb also helps in maintaining blood sugar levels of the body and encourages overall good health. It can be added to food as a seasoning and can be added to a cup of Green tea in the morning, as it helps a lot if taken uniformly.

Chamomile Tea

The chamomile plant is known to have antioxidants, which easily flush out toxins from the body instantly if it’s consumed on a regular basis. This tea can be taken by adding two or three teaspoons of chamomile to hot water. This can be allowed to stand for a period of three to four minutes before uncovering, strain it, and drinking it. A person can have a few cups of chamomile tea on a daily basis in order to flush out the excess creatinine from the system.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion root can be taken in the form of tea to act as a natural diuretic that can remove toxins and lower the Creatinine levels in the body. Let it steep for at least ten minutes before straining it and ingesting it.

Stringing Nettle

Nearly two or three teaspoons of dried nettle leaves can be added to a hot water cup, which is allowed to stand for at least ten minutes. This can be strained and ingested twice a day.

Dietary modifications

Excess protein can be unhealthy.

Studies show eating protein in large amounts can increase creatinine levels, at least temporarily. Especially cooked red meat affects creatinine. 

People following diets high in red meat or other sources of protein, including dairy products, can have higher creatinine levels as compared to people eating lesser of those foods.

People eating red meat should switch to vegetable-based dishes. Try swapping beef burgers with lentil soup, vegetable patties, and hearty vegetable stew.

Limit alcohol intake

Alcohol consumption can be a problem when it comes to kidney function. Few studies show that moderate alcohol consumption helps decrease the chances of chronic kidney disease.

Where other studies show that excessive alcohol consumption has the capability to damage the kidneys. Also, it can contribute to conditions such as alcohol dependency and high blood pressure. If a person is drinking alcohol, then they must consult the healthcare provider about the safest levels for their health needs.

Limit salt intake

Foods, including excess salt, contribute to high blood pressure. Specifically, processed foods are often filled with phosphorus and sodium, which potentially cause kidney problems, according to studies. Think about focusing on whole, unprocessed foods and using herbs and spices to flavor the food when possible.

Eat more fiber

Additional research is needed to find out the effects of dietary fiber on creatinine levels. However, a study showed a notable reduction in creatinine levels in people having chronic kidney disease who increased fiber intake.

Fiber can be found in several foods, such as.

  • Fruits
  • Whole grains 
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes

Avoid packed foods

Avoid foods that are packed or canned has salt in high quantities, which is not kidney-friendly and is unhealthy for kidneys; it increases the blood pressure level and Creatinine drastically.

Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine 

Creatinine is a waste forms in the body whenever a person does any muscle movement. The creatinine level in the body gets high when there is a kidney disorder. For lowering high creatinine levels, one must opt for Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine because it is the most effective way to reduce the increased creatinine level. Also, it does not leave any negative side effects on the body.

When it comes to lowering the creatinine level, several allopathic medicines are advised by doctors. Nonetheless, when it comes to the effectiveness of such allopathic medications, they do not have the tendency to treat the disease effectively. Besides this, these allopathic medications can cause serious side effects on the body. 

Therefore,  allopathic medications cannot be considered the best solution to lower creatinine levels. Therefore, at the time, Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine comes. Most people are aware of the effectiveness of Ayurveda as it is the most ancient and the most effective treatment. For lowering creatinine levels, Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem is proven to be the best pertinent treatment method that has helped several people attain their normal creatinine levels back. And the best part of this ayurvedic treatment is that it has no harmful effects on the body during or after treatment.

Therefore one should choose Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine, which has helped a number of patients get rid of their high creatinine levels.

Ayurveda For Kidney Failure And Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda for Kidney Failure

Best kidney failure ayurvedic treatment is considered the best treatment for kidney failure as it doesn’t have any side effects. According to ayurveda, eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle protects the body against several diseases.


Kidney failure is a serious health condition in which the kidneys partially or completely lose their functioning, depending on the severity of the disease. Kidney failure is categorized into two different types- Acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure.

Types of Kidney Failure

Two different types of kidney failure exist. Acute kidney failure occurs when the kidneys suddenly stop working completely, whereas chronic kidney failure occurs over a period of time.

Acute Kidney Failure

Acute kidney failure is the sudden and temporary loss of kidney function that can occur because of some other condition or disease that affects the kidneys’ functioning.

Acute kidney failure is difficult to detect as it doesn’t show symptoms in the initial stages. It can only be detected during an emergency, such as acidic blood, irregular heartbeat, paralysis, vomiting, and breathlessness. People hospitalized for some other reason are more probable to have this problem. Acute kidney failure is not that serious; if this condition is detected early, it can be reversed by making some dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and normal medications. 

Chronic Kidney Failure

Chronic kidney failure is a common health condition in India. It is a progressive loss of functioning of the kidney. Chronic disease never shows any indications and signs of dysfunction in its starting; however, it gradually progresses with time causing permanent damage to the kidneys. 

Kidney Failure ayurvedic treatment 

According to Ayurveda, kidney failure is caused by the blockage of body channels, generally called srotas. The body channels are directly related to this disease, known as mutravaha srotas, which is responsible for the blood flowing in and out of the kidneys and making urine. If in the approaching srotas there are blockages, the kidneys deny liquids, and the problem of shrinkage happens. However, if the active channels are blocked, swelling occurs. 

There are Ayurvedic herbs that can lessen the swelling and clean the channels resulting in reviving the kidneys. The ayurvedic treatment reestablishes its filteration limit and reinforces the kidneys and general functioning of the kidneys. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure can eliminate a person’s dependence on dialysis. Ayurveda is the best alternative treatment for kidney failure, where the patient gets treated in just a few months of taking ayurvedic medicine that too without any side effects. With Kidney failure ayurvedic treatment, kidney patients can live a normal and happy life.

Ayurvedic home remedies to prevent kidney failure

Below mentioned are a few Ayurvedic home remedies that can help control or prevent kidney failure, which is a disease that is in this age where people always eat unhealthy food, lives an unhealthy lifestyle, and have little to no physical activity. Nowadays, these diseases have become commonplace because of our sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. People fall ill easily. One of the primary health issues that people face these days is kidney failure, where kidneys are not capable enough to flush out toxins (ama) and other impurities from the blood, known as Rakta Dhatu. 

  • The juice of radish leaves is very beneficial for the kidneys. Consuming the cup of this fresh juice twice every day acts as a blood cleanser that flushes the toxins and other unwanted byproducts of digestion out.
  • Watermelon is good for people with kidney failure as it is low in potassium and has high water content. However, one must restrict the intake to just one bowl per day.
  • Another home remedy is to cook the beetroot until it softens, and after that, strain it. One must have two to three cups of beetroot juice daily.
  • Figs are also beneficial in remedying kidney-related problems. Prepare a herbal mixture by boiling two figs in a cup of water. Then consume this freshly prepared concoction on an empty stomach on a daily basis for a month.

Despite the fact it may seem like a tough battle to fight, one has to be patient and make certain changes to the diet and lifestyle. After all, nothing is achievable in a day. One should also increase the intake of vegetables and fruits in the diet to keep the kidneys working without a snag.

Why consider ayurvedic treatment for Kidney failure?

Ayurveda is an ancient science of treating the soul, body, and mind. As per Ayurveda, any sort of disease triggers in the body by blocking certain particular channels called as Doshas.

  • Ayurvedic herbs used in the treatment are unrefined and are highly effective in treating kidney disease.Kidney failure ayurvedic treatment
  • Ayurveda works positively and effectively to remove any sort of kidney damage signs and revives the cells damaged in the kidneys.
  • Ayurvedic medicines are free from side effects, different from allopathic medicines.
  • Kidney failure ayurvedic treatment not only cures the disease but, it has an overall helpful effect on the body.
  • Ayurvedic herbs leave an effective long lasting and permanent effect on the kidneys.
  • Ayurveda is the best secure, safe and effective treatment method.

Ayurvedic herbs helpful in Kidney Failure treatment

Several effective herbs are there used in kidney failure ayurvedic treatment that helps rejuvenate and revive the kidneys by reinstating the filtration capacity and overall improving the functioning of the kidneys. This line of treatment can remove the possibility of kidney failure and the need for dependency on dialysis. Mentioned below are some of the important ayurvedic herbs below.


Gokshur is an ayurvedic herb that treats urinary problems caused because of kidney failure, which is caused by urinary discharges and kidney or renal infections.


Varun is a potent ayurvedic herb helpful in treating kidney failure from its root. Also, it helps against kidney stones by deactivating the glycolate oxidase enzyme and decreasing the body’s construction of oxalate.


Punarnava help maintains the level of fluids in the cells to aid in healthy urine flow. Consistent use of this ayurvedic herb helps treats kidney failure and also re-energizes the whole body. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, this ayurvedic herb Punarnava reduces swelling in the joints and feet effectively.


Palaash is the best Ayurvedic herb for kidney functioning and eliminates kidney failure symptoms.


Kaasni herb is among the most effective remedy for managing all kinds of kidney problems. It works best for complications of kidney failure caused because of the respiratory system.

Ayurvedic treatment 

Ayurveda offers natural ayurvedic treatment for all stages of kidney problems. The key to Ayurveda’s success in treating all kidney problems, or other ailments for that matter, is customization. Every patient has an individual set of causative factors, Prakriti and doshic properties –  which are taken into consideration before giving ayurvedic medicines and treatment. This customization makes it easy to address the disease with much more accuracy.

Ayurvedic treatment has been proven exceptionally powerful in treating all sorts of kidney diseases. It works affectionately to eradicate kidney problems and helps in reviving the health of damaged kidney cells. Ayurvedic medicine uses herbal preparations and improves kidney function. Ayurveda offers treatment for renal or kidney problems.

How do you slow down PKD?

Ayurvedic kidney treatment

Pkd treatment in ayurveda is the best ayurvedic treatment for kidneys without any side effects that naturally treat the kidneys.

What’s PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)?

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disease caused by a mutation in the genes. Distinct genetic mutations can cause PKD.

PKD causes several cysts to grow inside the kidneys. Cysts are growths filled with fluid. Cysts damage the kidneys and make them larger in size. Thousands of cysts can grow in the kidneys and cause a kidney to weigh up to 30 pounds!

Indications Of Polycystic Kidney Disease

  • High blood pressure
  • Blood in your urine
  • A feeling of fullness in the abdomen
  • Increased size of the abdomen
  • Headaches
  • Back-to-side pain
  • Kidney stones
  • Kidney failure
  • Urinary tract or kidney infections

How to lower PKD naturally?

Diagnosing polycystic kidney disease is not an easy task because the symptoms can not be very obvious for years. But if a person’s parent or siblings has this disease, then there are chances that they may get it too. Therefore, it is advisable to get a screening done by the doctor if they have an affected relative or if they observe symptoms or signs of the disease.

If the polycystic disease is once diagnosed, it can be treated by taking ayurvedic medications or by taking PKD treatment; however, lifestyle changes and adopting a healthy balanced diet help manage the disease to a great extent.

Maintain a healthy weight

Maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. The doctor can advise what weight is healthy for a person. A common way of to check weight is to calculate the body mass index (BMI) and compare this to the healthy range. For calculating BMI, a person needs to know their weight and height.

Restricted intake of alcohol

The liver is majorly responsible for breaking down alcohol in the body. Unless a person prefers to do so, there is no need to completely give up alcohol completely if they have ADPKD, but otherwise, they are healthy. However, alcohol is not good for health. It does increase people’s risk of several diseases, such as cancer, heart, stroke, and liver disease.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is generally bad for anyone; however, it’s especially essential to give up smoking if a person has any type of kidney disease or disorder. Smoking increases the speed at which ADPKD progresses and leads to kidney damage. Also, it is a known cause of cardiovascular disease.

Perform regular physical activity

Regular exercise plays an essential part in a healthy lifestyle as it helps control blood pressure and weight. Reduced blood pressure means that a person has lower chances of cardiovascular disease, and also it can help protect the kidneys from damage. 

Average physical activity is enough to get a person slightly out of breath, raise the heart rate, and make a person warmer. One can split the exercise into sessions of 10 minutes or more throughout the week. 

Dietary modifications to lower Polycystic Kidney Disease

By working closely with a nutrition expert and a kidney specialist, kidney-protective diets can help individuals to slow the progression of polycystic kidney disease and damage to the kidneys.

Choose foods healthy for the heart.

Several foods good for the kidneys are good for the heart as well. A heart-healthy diet includes foods such as beans and fish, as well as low-fat dairy and leafy green vegetables. Heart health is important when a person has polycystic kidney disease because the heart already works harder to get blood to the kidneys. The kidneys and heart are very well connected, and harm to one can be harmful to the other.

Limit salt intake

Consuming excess sodium can raise blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. For people having CKD, high blood pressure can speed up the progression of the disease, leading to more damage to the kidneys.

Reduce phosphorus intake

Phosphorus can accumulate in the blood of people with PKD. Phosphorus, at a normal level, protects the bones, and phosphorus, at a high level, harms the bones. It hurts bones by draining calcium from them which makes them weaker. The doctor can determine the phosphorus level through a blood test and help work with a dietitian to reduce it by opting for foods that are low in phosphorus over those that are high.

Lower Potassium

Similar to phosphorus, potassium can build in the blood of those with PKD. The right amount of potassium helps the nerves and muscles, including the heart muscle, to work properly. Excess can lead to heart attack or irregular heartbeat. The doctor can use a blood test to check the potassium, and a dietitian can point a person toward low-potassium food choices like carrots, apples, and white rice.

Take a herbal sip

Herbal tea with marshmallows, parsley, basil, chamomile, or other herbs can be consumed twice daily in order to maintain good health. Avoid caffeinated liquids completely. Herbal teas generally contain antioxidants and other trace minerals that help keep the body healthy.

Yoga in PKD

Physical activity that’s cost-effective and PKD friendly and can be done in the comfort of the home is yoga. Many people have heard or read about the wide range of benefits that come with practicing yoga; however, is it an effective and safe activity for people who have polycystic kidney disease?

Consistent yoga practice can maintain the automatic nervous system by decreasing systolic and diastolic BP, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Yoga could be a great addition to the lifestyle for people with polycystic kidney disease who suffer from high blood pressure. Studies show that yoga reduces chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. Certain lying postures can help increase blood flow to the kidneys, because of which it’s theorized that yoga can help alleviate the progression of the disease and help improve kidney function.  

Ayurvedic treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease

PKD treatment in ayurveda is all about taking herbal medications and integrating yoga postures into the lifestyle to improve kidney function. Ayurveda is a natural way to revive the damage to kidney tissues and cells. The gene mutation gets changes when people consume Ayurvedic medications for a specific period.

The uses of herbs can help work on the genes and the ancestral figure so that the person can be stopped from passing on the disease to their child.

Ayurvedic treatment for polycystic kidney disease involves the right medication on time, avoiding certain food items, and the necessary modifications in diet and lifestyle changes.

Also Read : How can I improve my kidney function naturally?

How can I improve my kidney function naturally?

Kidney failure ayurvedic treatment

Kidney failure ayurvedic treatment is based on formulating distinct powerful herbs that removes kidney issues naturally. 

A man can be absolutely healthy. Still, health needs to be maintained well. Some lifestyle changes provide strength and vitality to the whole body. As these changes are extremely beneficial, it’s important to pay attention to all the parts of the body. Kidneys are a little pair of organs that requires attention kidneys.

Kidneys perform the most important function of blood purification by filtering waste material. They also help in the functioning of the urinary system, secretion of hormones, and maintenance of blood pressure levels in the body. Kidneys also perform the additional function of maintaining the acid level and bases in the body. Kidneys are one of the most vital organs in the body that should be taken proper care of.

There are several natural ways by which one can keep the functions of the kidneys good and healthy, and people who have problems in their kidneys can improve their kidney functioning. If a person is suffering from any kidney disorder then they can opt for 100% natural ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure. Read this article further for more information.

Ayurveda’s point of view on Kidney Damage

According to Ayurveda, the human body is a complex of three major life doshas that controls and supports several bodily processes, such as blood pressure, digestion, metabolism, pulse movement, heartbeat, bowel movement, thoughts, and the immune system. 

Many times the increased consumption of unhealthy foods becomes the reason for aggravation between the doshas, which in return interferes with the functioning of kidneys. This is the reason why Ayurveda lays emphasis on the importance of eating a healthy diet. 

Eating a well- planned healthy diet consisting of essential nutrients help the body to carry out various processes easily without facing any problems. A healthy eating protects a person against several chronic non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure works primarily to line up disturbed doshas and work on the affected area around kidneys interfering with their functioning. 

Ways to keep kidneys healthy

Diabetes, High blood pressure, or a family history of kidney failure puts people at a higher risk of developing kidney disease. However, even if a person doesn’t have any of those risk categories, it’s important to take care of these critically important organs.

There are several things people can do to keep the kidneys as healthy as possible at every point of life:

Monitor the blood pressure

High blood pressure can be the reason for kidney damage. If high blood pressure occurs with other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, or high cholesterol, the impact on a person’s body can be notable.

Dietary and lifestyle changes can help lower blood pressure at this point. If the blood pressure is persistently above 140/90, a person can have high blood pressure. One should talk with their doctor about monitoring the blood pressure consistently, making changes to their lifestyle, and possibly taking medication.

Staying fit and active

Similar to eating a well-balanced diet, doing regular physical activity is essential. It can prevent high blood pressure and excess weight gain and high blood pressure. However be mindful of how much exercise one is performing, especially if  not in a good condition. Overexerting when a person is not in a good shape can lead to several severe health problems, especially if they are at high risk for heart disease. If a person is at high risk for heart disease and is not exercising but wants to start, then they must talk to their physician before starting any new workout program.

Drinking enough liquids

Water intake is essential if a person is having kidney problems. It’s essential to stay well hydrated so that it can prevent further damage to the kidneys and a constant flow of liquid can be maintained in order to avoid working forcefully. Additionally one can likely have chances to reduce the kidney stones.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking damages the body’s blood vessels leading to lower blood flow throughout the body and to the kidneys. Smoking also puts the kidneys at higher risk of cancer. If a person stop smoking, the person’s risk will decrease. Nonetheless, it’ll take several years to get back to the risk level of a person who has never smoked.

Home Remedies to improve kidney functioning

People who have kidney problems and their kidneys aren’t functioning well then they should take utmost care of themselves.

They should focus on what they are consuming while drinking or eating something. Kidney disease refers to the condition when kidneys are damaged and are not functioning the way they should.

To keep the kidneys healthy, it is essential to follow an active lifestyle and stay well hydrated.

Vitamin C- Minerals and Vitamins are strong and powerful antioxidants. It helps kidney stones to dissolve easily. Foods that are rich in vitamin C boost health and help in better kidney functioning. Citrus fruits such as broccoli, oranges, and cucumbers are effective in maintaining kidney health.

Kidney Beans- Kidney beans, also known as rajma, are a rich source of proteins. The fibres present in kidney beans help to keep the digestive system healthy. Kidney beans are beneficial for patients having diabetes. Vitamin B present in kidney beans is helpful in flushing out kidney stones and regulating the functioning of kidneys.

Apples-  Apples help prevent the growth of bacteria inside the kidneys and maintain the acidity in urine. Apples have anti-inflammatory properties helpful in healing infections and kidney issues quite efficiently.

Honey and Lemon Juice- The combination of lemon juice and honey is the most efficacious way of keeping the body working. Honey and lemon have excellent health benefits on the overall health of the individual.

Lemons are a rich source of citric acid, which helps to fight kidney stones by increasing the urine citrate level. Consuming regular lemon juice with honey reduces the pain of dissolving kidney stones and kidney stones and quickly.

Foods to repair damaged kidneys

Healthy sources of food work as a natural remedy for damaged kidneys and are always available at low prices as compared to medical treatments and medications. When everyone knows what lifestyle is good for kidney health, let’s know the recommended foods that help improve kidney functions naturally.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a highly anti-inflammatory oil containing extra antioxidants if a person buys extra virgin olive oil. If inflammations and autoimmune issues contribute to kidney problems, then it’s an excellent food to include in the diet.

Dark berries

Dark berries include strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. They fight damage by free radicals in the kidneys through powerful antioxidant activity.


Cauliflower is really rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It provides numerous fiber that regulates blood glucose levels. It can be said that it’s a complete source of health in case of kidney damage.


Garlic powder can be used Instead of salt in the diet. It is much more beneficial and gives a person number of vitamins B6 and C.

Kidney failure treatment in ayurveda

Kidney failure can’t be reversed at the very end-stage. Therefore the right ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure is needed to get life back on track. If someone is looking for safe medication without any side effects that doesn’t include any surgical or chemical procedures, then take Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure for genuinely reviving the functioning of kidneys.
Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure. is based on the unique combination of several powerful leaves, herbs, and fruits that help remove any kind of swelling, obstruction or inflammation occurring around the kidneys.

Also Read : How are kidney diseases treated in Ayurveda?

How are kidney diseases treated in Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic kidney treatment

Ayurvea-the ancient system of medicine focuses on healthy living instead of only treating the symptoms of the diseases. Kidneys-one of the important organs helps in removal of toxins from the body, regulation of blood pressure, acid-base balance, management of solutes, and water transport in the body. Ayurveda personalises the healing process. It works to cure the disease and helps in restoring the health of damaged body organs. Here, herbal preparations are used to enhance the functioning of the body organs.

Ayurveda has been used in India for treating various kidney related diseases such as urinary stone, kidney failure, kidney infections, high creatinine levels etc. The treatment process in Ayurveda comprises following the right diet and lifestyle along with ayurvedic medicines.

At times unknowingly, we promote the causes responsible for damaging and altering its functions of the kidneys. Listed below are few of them  :

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Controlling urine urge 
  • Drinking chilled water 
  • Drinking improper amount of water 
  • Excess salt intake
  • Excessive intake of coffee, tea, cold drinks etc.
  • High protein intake-pulses, non-veg products
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals
  • Negligence in the treatment diseases
  • Improper sleep (at least 7 to 8 hours)
  • Polycystic kidney disorder
  • Tobacco products addiction 
  • Unprescribed use of painkillers, drugs, antibiotics etc.

Inclusion of these in our daily life leads to damage to the kidney and creating kidney diseases.

In Ayurveda, various diseases along with kidney related disorders are considered as Prameha. Prameha means the symptoms that include clinical conditions in obesity, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome.

Srotas, as per ayurveda, are the minute channels in the body. Any blockage of srotas results in kidney related disorders. The flow of urine into and out of the kidney occurs through Mutravaha srotas and the blockage in these srotas results in improper functioning of the kidneys. Whenever we find any sort of blockages in the inward srotas, there occurs shrinkage of kidneys and fluids are not accepted by the kidneys as required. On the other hand, if the blockage occurs in the outward srotas (from where the urine flows outside) swelling occurs in kidneys. In the cases, where kidneys are not able to clear them from the blood, toxins start accumulating in the body. The improper functioning of kidneys hampers red blood cells production and creates imbalance of electrolytes. This occurs silently and the signs and symptoms are identified little later.

Kidney diseases manifests through various signs and symptoms:

  • Bad breath
  • Hematuria-Blood in urine
  • Burning sensation while passing urine
  • Dysuria-Frequent urination or Less urination
  • Pigmented urine-change in the colour of urine
  • Difficulty in breathing 
  • Lethargy
  • Hypertension
  • Irritability in behaviour
  • Itching on body
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Proteins or Pus in the urine
  • Swelling/Puffiness on face 
  • Metallic taste
  • Calf muscle cramps

How does ayurveda deal with Kidney diseases?

Ayurvedic kidney treatment has been providing praiseworthy results. Ayurveda is amongst the best options to cope up with kidney related disorders in a natural manner.

Ayurveda has a different and specific approach to all diseases. It says, the cause of kidney related diseases lies with the rakta or medha dhatu which eventually vitiates the Vata, Pitta or Kapha dosha resulting in kidney diseases. Ayurveda works towards pacification of these doshas which helps to treat the disease.

Ayurvedic management of these disorders has shown promising results. Prameha is a Tridosh Vyadhi but it is a disease caused by predominance of Kapha.

Kidney treatment in ayurveda is based upon the nature of the individuals. It is different in obese (Sthoola) and lean (Krishna). For obese patients, purification (samshodhana) is carried out first and later santarpana (tissue rejuvenation) is followed. The disease is then controlled by wholesome diets and habits. The process is different for lean people. For lean people, brimhana (tissue nourishment/rejuvenation) is carried by selective medicines and then proper diet is followed. All the pramehas are treated based upon dominance of doshas. 

Kidney diseases are becoming the cause of concern with every passing day. These can be removed by the use of natural herbs having an effective impact on kidneys and treating chronic kidney disease naturally. Ayurvedic medicines that have been used in kidney diseases are:

Along with the herbs used in ayurvedic medicines, a few dietary and lifestyle changes can also be found helpful.

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Avoid seafood-rich source of sodium
  • Decreasing the use of salt in foods
  • Keep blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels in control
  • Low potassium intake
  • Low protein consumption. Check and avoid foods having high protein content
  • Fried, fatty food should be avoided. 

Here are some other ways which also works well with Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure:

1.      Chamomile Tea

2.      Stinging nettle Tea

3.      Cinnamon and Green Tea 

4.      Siberian Ginseng

5.      Dandelion Root

Are you looking for Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic Medicine?

Ayurvedic kidney treatment

Looking for a natural way to treat your nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine may be just what you need! This traditional form of medicine has been used to treat a variety of ailments for centuries, and is said to be particularly effective in treating kidney problems. Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine is made from a variety of natural ingredients, including herbs and spices, which are thought to help cleanse and detoxify the kidneys. If you’re looking for an alternative way to treat your nephrotic syndrome, Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine may be worth a try!

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes your body to excrete large amounts of protein in your urine. This protein, called albumin, is normally found in your blood. When nephrotic syndrome occurs, your kidneys can’t properly filter albumin and other proteins from your blood. This causes a buildup of these proteins in your body, which can lead to serious health problems.

There is no cure for nephrotic syndrome, but there are treatments that can help control the condition and prevent complications. Ayurvedic medicine is one such treatment.

Look no further than Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine. Our product is made with natural ingredients and is effective in treating this condition. Our Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine is also safe for long-term use and has no side effects.

What is the difference between Nephritic and Nephrotic Syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment

Ayurvedic treatment of nephrotic syndrome keeps the body protected against several health problems that can affect the kidney’s functions.

Nephrotic Syndrome

Basically, nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms and not a disease or disorder. These symptoms can appear if the kidneys aren’t working right. Small blood vessels in the kidneys function to act as a filter to clear out extra water from the blood waste. That filtered out waste and water end up in the bladder and leaves the body in the form of urine. These vessels are part of glomeruli, which is the filtering part of the kidney.

When they’re damaged, excess protein slips through the filters into the urine. And the result is nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome can affect adults as well as children. However, it’s treatable.

What causes Nephrotic Syndrome

Several conditions and diseases can lead to nephrotic syndrome. Below mentioned are some of the causes which can be managed by taking proper ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome.

Minimal change disease

It is the commonest cause of nephrotic syndrome. It results in abnormal functioning of the kidneys; however, when the kidney tissue is examined under a microscope, it appears either normal or nearly about normal. The cause for abnormal functioning generally can’t be determined.

Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine

Diabetic kidney disease

 Diabetes can lead to kidney damage, and kidney disease that occurs due to diabetes is known as diabetic nephropathy. It normally affects the glomeruli.

Also Read : 10 signs to show malfunction in the Kidney, Don’t ignore such signs.

Membranous nephropathy

It is the result of thickening membranes in the glomeruli. The thickening of membranes is because of the deposits made by the immune system. It can be related to other medical conditions, such as cancer, lupus, and hepatitis B, or it can happen without any reason as well.

Amyloidosis. Amyloidosis occurs when amyloid proteins gather in the organs. Build up of amyloid often damages the filtering system of the kidneys.

Indications of Nephrotic Syndrome

Signs and symptoms of Nephrotic syndrome include-

  • Edema (Serious swelling), especially around the eyes and in the feet and ankle
  • Too much protein in the urine results in foamy urine
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain because of fluid retention
  • Loss of appetite

Nephritic Syndrome

It’s a syndrome comprising signs of nephritis, a kidney disease having inflammation. Many times it occurs in the glomerulus, where it’s known as glomerulonephritis. Glomerulonephritis is distinguished by thinning and inflammation of the glomerular basement membrane and the occurrence of small pores in the podocytes of the glomerulus. These pores become large enough to allow both red blood cells and proteins to pass into the urine.

Contrasted to, nephrotic syndrome is distinguished by proteinuria and a bunch of other symptoms that particularly do not include hematuria.[6] Nephritic syndrome, similar to nephrotic syndrome, can involve a lower albumin level in the blood because of the protein albumin moving from the blood to the urine.

Causes of Nephritic Syndrome

Nephritic syndrome is caused by large inflammatory damage to the glomerulus capillaries, which is related to several medical conditions. Moreover, the cause of this inflammation can be autoimmune, infectious, or thrombotic. The causative conditions can be divided accessibly amongst the age groups; nonetheless, it is essential to keep in mind that most of the conditions in children or adolescents can occur in adults as well with a lower frequency and vice versa.

Indications of Nephritic Syndrome

The nephritic syndrome has been classified by blood in the urine, hypertension, decreased output of urine, pyuria, red blood cell casts, and mild to moderate proteinuria. If the condition is permitted to progress without treatment, then, in the end, it can lead to azotemia and uremic symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Nephritic Syndrome-

  • Red blood cells in the urine
  • Proteinuria 
  • Blurred vision
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Increased creatinine and plasma Urea 
  • Low urine output 
  • White blood cells or pus present in the urine 

Ayurvedic medicines to treat Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephritic Syndrome

A number of medications are available in allopathy that can provide relief from the problem of the nephrotic or nephritic syndrome; however, the relief provided by allopathic medications could be temporary and can recur again after some time. Nonetheless, if a person is looking for genuine treatment and revival of their health, then they must take nephrotic syndrome treatment ayurveda

Nephrotic syndrome treatment in Ayurveda makes the body responsive by laying emphasis on good lifestyle habits- a healthy diet and regular exercise that will help the body maintain the right balance between the body, mind, and spirit.


Ques- Are nephrotic and nephritic syndrome the same?

The nephritic syndrome can be there with hypertension and hematuria, which is cola-colored urine. Edema can also be present, even though it is not as severe as nephrotic syndrome.

Ques- How can nephritic syndrome be diagnosed?

Tests and procedures for diagnosing nephrotic syndrome include-

Urine tests– A urinalysis can reveal deformity in the urine, such as large amounts of protein.

Blood tests– A blood test can show lower protein albumin levels and, many times, decrease blood protein levels overall.

Kidney biopsy- The doctor can recommend removing a small specimen of kidney tissue for testing.

Ques- Is nephrotic syndrome curable?

Even though the nephrotic syndrome does not have a specific cure, in allopathy but it can be treated with Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine that too safely as it does not have any side effects.
This article throws some light on how Ayurvedic treatment of nephrotic syndrome not only keeps the kidneys healthy and strong but will also relax the body, mind, and soul.

kidney cyst and Ayurvedic medicine for kidney cyst

Ayurvedic medicine for kidney cyst

Kidney cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the kidneys. They are often benign (noncancerous) and cause no symptoms. However, in some cases, they can cause pain, swelling, and other problems. Ayurvedic medicine is a traditional system of medicine that has been used for thousands of years in India.

The system is based on a holistic view of health and is used to prevent and treat a wide range of health problems. Ayurveda also stresses the importance of regular exercise, good nutrition, and stress management. Many people use ayurvedic treatments for joint pain and general muscle aches and pains.

How did the researchers study ayurvedic medicine?

It focuses on the use of natural herbs and recommends exercise, relaxation, and yoga for health. Some studies suggest that daily amounts of garlic extract might help prevent colon cancer and cancer in the lung and stomach. However, the use of garlic supplements is associated with bleeding and ulcers, so it should not be used during pregnancy or if you are taking blood thinning medication.

Read more: The Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicine

kidney cyst and Ayurvedic medicine for kidney cyst

Leprosy is a chronic (long-term) bacterial infection that usually affects the skin and the peripheral nerves. It can be treated, but it is not curable. It can cause skin damage, disfigurement, loss of sensation, muscle weakness, nerve damage, and deformity of the hands and feet. The skin may become numb, thickened, dry and dark.

This article focuses on ayurvedic medicine for kidney cysts. For more information on cysts, including symptoms and medical treatment, see the article on kidney cysts.

Is there a link between kidney cysts and Ayurvedic medicine? No studies have been done to show whether Ayurvedic medicine can prevent or treat kidney cysts. However, Ayurvedic medicines may help relieve pain and other symptoms caused by kidney cysts.

It is based on the idea that the body is made up of five elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth. One way to bring balance to the body is to boost the elements that are lacking and reduce the elements…

Certain Ayurvedic practitioners claim that using.

Kidney And Ayurveda

Dosha Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine. Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that is believed to have originated in India over 3000 years ago. Ayurveda is the traditional medical system of the Indian subcontinent with certain features common in all traditional medicine including the use of multiple natural herbs in the treatment of various.

Jun 06, 2017 • Ayurveda is a form of alternative medicine that is gaining popularity in the Western world. In this article, we look at the scientific evidence behind some of the most common ayurvedic.

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The Complete Guide to Ayurvedic Treatments for Proteinuria and How They Work

Proteinuria ayurvedic treatment

Proteinuria is visibly a condition that has adverse effects on the quality of life. This disease causes excess protein to be found in the urine, with its presence being a clear indicator of possible kidney problems. Ayurveda is one such alternative treatment system that has been used for many centuries to treat various ailments and diseases. The principles of this ancient Indian science are now finding their way back into contemporary medicine and research due to the effectiveness of its use in treating several diseases and conditions. This article covers everything you need to know about proteinuria, including what it is, what causes it, as well as different methods of how you can reduce or manage your risk of developing it through ayurvedic treatments.

What is Ayurvedic Treatment for Proteinuria?

Ayurvedic treatments are various treatment protocols that are based on the principles of Ayurveda. Depending on the patient’s condition, the severity of the disease, as well as the patient’s general health, a specific Ayurvedic treatment is prescribed. In the case of Proteinuria, Ayurvedic treatments are used to reduce the amount of protein in the urine. Protein in the urine is a clear indicator of possible kidney problems and almost always indicates an underlying condition that must be treated. A lot of times, it happens due to a poor diet and lifestyle. Most of the time, Proteinuria is a symptom of a bigger problem, and Ayurvedic treatments can help with reducing the severity of the problem. Ayurvedic treatments have a lot of different benefits, not only treating Proteinuria, but also bringing overall health improvements.

Also Read : Things to know about Proteinuria

How Does Ayurveda Treat Proteinuria?

When it comes to Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine, there are two main types of treatment protocols that are used – the Panchakarma treatment and the Tinku and Shirodhara therapies. While both treatments are effective, the Panchakarma treatment is a little more potent in reducing protein in the urine. Panchakarma is basically a series of six therapies that are aimed at treating the underlying disease. The therapies are designed to eliminate toxins, cleanse the blood, strengthen the immune system, improve sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety. Depending on what condition you have, different therapies are used. So, for example, if you have proteinuria, the therapy will be used to help reduce the amount of protein in the urine. Note that with most Ayurvedic treatments, patients are advised to change their diet and lifestyle for the duration of the treatment. This is because Ayurvedic treatments work best when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Tinku and Shirodhara and Ayurvedic Medicine for Proteinuria

Tinku and Shirodhara are two of the most popular Ayurvedic treatments and are used to treat a variety of different ailments and diseases. Both Tinku and Shirodhara can be used to treat Proteinuria and are effective in reducing the amount of protein in the urine. Tinku is a therapeutic treatment that uses warm herbal oil that is applied externally on the body. It is a highly relaxing treatment that is designed to reduce anxiety, stress, and tension. Tinku is highly effective in treating Proteinuria and has been used to treat this disease for many centuries. Shirodhara is another Ayurvedic treatment that is well-known for its ability to reduce protein in the urine. This treatment uses warm oil that is poured on the forehead. The treatment is painless and can be performed even on patients who are experiencing discomfort.

Also Read : Are there any ways to reduce creatinine levels naturally for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD)?


Ayurvedic treatments have been used for millennia to treat diseases and ailments. One of the most common diseases that are treated with Ayurveda is proteinuria. It is important to note that these treatments are most effective when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Kidney and Ayurveda claim to have a solution to any type of health ailments ranging from mild to severe ones.

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